domingo, 26 de febrero de 2017

Se empieza a hablar a nivel de altas esferas sobre la Renta Básica Universal e Incondicional.

Fue rechazada, pero lo bueno es que por fin se habla del tema de la automatización y sus posibles soluciones...

domingo, 5 de febrero de 2017

LEE CAMP: Vampire Squid STILL Runs Economy Under Trump [3 mins]

The new trailer from Peter Joseph's movie Interreflections.

I think this will be a very interesting movie.

I agree with most of Peter Joseph's views about our present time and our future.

His commitment to his ideas is extraordinary.

I wish he will get enough support to finish his movie.

If anyone think it is worth it, support here.

miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2017

While the world is going crazy there are quiet artists working...

This is Jose Pedro Diaz.

For 3 years he has been developing a game.

He learned everything by himself.

And I think he made a good job in his first game.

FELIS cat saving platformer game for Iphone